These pictures were taken by Lizzie Lombardi in March 2009 in the village of Rwenyawawa Kyangwali, where most of the new refugees are living.
(Thank you Lizzie for the use of these photos)
Thank you to all the donors that have helped us to purchase mosquito nets for the refugees that recently arrived in Kyangwali from the Congo.
Mountain View Rotary—1,400 nets
Red Empress Foundation—300 nets
Paulsen family—200 nets
Overlooked—200 nets
and other wonderful donors.
Each mosquito net will cover 4 family members.
With these nets we will be shielding 8,500 refugees from malaria over the next five years. We still need to help more newcomers in the camp.
You can see by the picture on the right how these new refugees are living with no protection from the mosquitoes that carry malaria. “The new arrivals have poorly built houses with no door to close during the night time, only plastic sheeting to protect them from the rain.” -Emmanuel , TH Meds and Nets manager.
We appreciate all these donations and will get pictures and reports on our upcoming trip.
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