Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hostel students are helped with medication, rent and other needs

Girl's Hoima Hostel
Education is a luxury for young girl refugees in the Kyangwali Settlement Camp in western Uganda. In the camp there is no form of education for students after primary seven, so if a child wishes to continue on they must travel 50 miles to the nearest city to attend school. It costs one student more than the average annual income to attend each trimester.
Think Humanity assists them with their medical expenses, tuition, rent, food and school supplies. There are presently 65 girls living in the Hoima hostel. The majority are orphans, but all are refugees. Most girls in Kyangwali do not further their education, but become married, do housework and have children. It is important that young girls complete their education. Daniel Muhwezi, Think Humanity Secretary/Treasurer said, "When you educate a girl, you educate a nation."
In March 2009 Educate! and Think Humanity partnered to give a grant to COBURWAS Club for the hostel students in Hoima. For more on the hostel, Go to School Project please visit the COBURWAS website.
There are twelve rooms in the hostel with more than five girls sharing each small room. The landlord charges approximately $20 per student for the entire year. This does not include electricity or water.
One of the biggest problems in the hostel is malaria. Think Humanity provides malaria medication and hospital expenses for these students. It is very common to have several students sick at the same time.
Here are some of the ways that your donation can be used to help girls get an education:
Bed $25, Mattress $50, bedding $40, $25 transportation to school and home two times a trimester, tuition $50 a trimester, $65 for food per student for trimester, $20 for 110 lbs (50kg) of corn flour for cooking.
TH is asking for donations for the student's medical expenses. For $30 per student a trimester, TH will provide them with malaria medication and medical expenses. This can be a matter of life over death and also will cut back on school absences due to the terrible side-effects from malaria.
Please read about malaria under Project Meds and Nets for more information.
James Kazini, an orphan himself, is the TH project manager over the girl's hostel.
Elected leaders of the girls hostel:
Barega Jenipher, president
Munguiko Sarah, vice president
Mahirwe Solange, Nikuze Angela, Anita Mary and Muhawe Beatrice, ancolours
Mukesha Jane, head of sanitation
Shika Grace, food monitor
Mahoro Tisia, head of academy
Mwamini Pelagia, head of sports
Mahirwe Christine, head of cultural activities

Jenipher Barega, President of Girl's Hostel
This room is living quarters for five girl students at the hostel
This is a picture of the hostel when it was for boys and girls. We will update this project soon.
James Kazini, TH Hoima hostel project manager
Wereje Benson, program manager

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