Sunday, August 8, 2010

Think Humanity gives bed nets to an entire IDP Camp

We brought down groups of 35 people at a time to receive their nets.
3,000 Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets were given to the entire Acholi Quarter Camp for Internally Displaced Persons on July 14-15, 2010. Those that benefited are Acholi and Bugandans.

Thank you Global Healing and Red Empress for donating bed nets for this community of refugees. Ayo Jennifer, AIDS counselor said, “The family is going to live longer and longer because no more malaria. We have kicked malaria out of Uganda.”

The Acholi Quarter Camp is made up of mostly women and children. The World Health Organization recommends the Olyset Nets, the nets TH provided to the IDP.
3,000 Long-Lasting  Insecticide-Treated Bed nets stored in a building waiting to be given out.

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