Kanyere Justine is 14 years old and she is in primary six. Her father died from cancer and soon to follow her mother died from HIV/AIDS. Justine has three younger brothers ages 12, 7 and 5.
July 2010 while in Kyangwali Refugee Camp, Jean-Paul called me outside the COBURWAS Learning Centre to listen to Justine's story. I will try to tell it to the best of my memory.
Just two weeks previously to meeting Justine, her mother had died from AIDS. The children were split up in different homes. Justine is living in an unsafe home where there is another 14 year old girl. That girl is pregnant now due to the mistreatment of the caregiver (father figure). Justine was worried that she would also become a victim.
She had no place to go and begged for help with her education so she could move to Hoima to the girls' hostel.
Jean-Paul said that the situation became badly off for the young girl since we left her last July and they moved her into the girls' hostel. She has no money for school, but is away from the bad situation.
If anybody would like to help contribute to help Justine, then we could start her in school for the 2011 school year which begins in February. $150 would help her with the first term for school fees, uniform and books.
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